How to register
Click on the button below for the type of cricket you wish to register for, then fill in the details.
New players are normally allocated to clubs by school, as below:
- Celtic: Blenheim, Mayfield, St Marys, Spring Creek, Riverlands, Grovetown, Whitney Street, Redwoodtown.
- Picton/QCC: QCC, Picton, Waikawa Bay.
- Renwick: Havelock, Renwick, Te Pa Wananga, Rapaura, Wairau Valley, Rai Valley, Canvastown, Linkwater
- Wairau: Witherlea, Seddon, Ward, Fairhall.
- Wairau Valley: Springlands, Richmond View, Tua Marina.
- New players from Bohally Intermediate will choose which club they wish
to play for or alternatively MCA will allocate to a club.
If you are unsure what level you should be playing at or registering for then have a look at the chart down the page, else get in contact with Eddie for further help.